Tickets & Prices

All tickets are available online at Reservix or in Kirchzarten at the Bücherstube and at Mobil-Funk Kürner as well as at all other BZ advance booking offices in Freiburg and the surrounding area.

Festivalticket light
The festival ticket light gives you access to all concerts and workshops during the festival, starting on Thursday, June 13 at 1:30 pm with the opening session and ending on Sunday, June 16 with the evening concert - except for the evening concerts on Friday and Saturday and workshops that are already fully booked. The workshops will be allocated within 24 hours of ticket purchase by means of a query email. Please check which workshops are still available before purchasing!
>> Festivalticket light

Day tickets
The day tickets entitle the holder to access all events within the framework of Black Forest Voices on the specified day, for all available workshops including the concert. The "light" version does not include an evening concert. An e-mail will be sent within 24 hours of purchase to allocate the workshops. Please check which workshops are still available before purchasing!

>> Day ticket "light" Th., 13. June, Workshops

>> Day tickets "light": Fr, 14. June, Workshops

>> Day tickets "light": Sa, 15, June, Workshops

>> Day tickets Sun, 16. June, Workshops + Conzert
>> Day tickets "light": Sun, 16. June, Workshops

Concert tickets
>> Sun, 16. June, 12 AM, Matinee
>> Sun, 19. Junie 7:30 Uhr, Echoes in Between
The evening concerts on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are already sold out.

Tickets Young Black Forest Voices
>> Children's workshop "Beats from your own box“
| Th., 13.06.2024 | 4:15 - 5 PM
>> What´s up Hoverup? Beatbox music theatre for kids | Sa, 15.06.2024 | 3 - 4 Uhr
>> The small bassdrum „Kick” – a sound story| So, 16.06.2024 | 10 - 11 Uhr


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